Jason constantinoff
on Yesterday, 6:25 am
"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (John 3:18)
That's a simple statement that carries a profound truth. Concerning the lost Jesus said they're "condemned already." There's no warrant issued for their arrest, no right to a speedy trial, no jury of their peers to be selected, and no wait and see after death to hear of their eternal sentence. No! Jesus said they're "condemned already."
Imagine if someone were to break into my home and shoot me dead or violently beat me to a bloody pulp leaving me in a lifeless and bruised heap of flesh, or maybe viciously stabbed me so many times that even grieving family members couldn't identify me.
Yet, when the newspapers would write up their story, they would call that Satan-driven assailant, "The accused or the alleged" murderer of Jim Collins. They could not or would not call that evil thug the condemned killer of Mr. Collins.
But wait a second now, for we read in that verse I posted where God bypasses the reporter's nose for news and says emphatically that one who does not believe in God's only begotten Son is "condemned already."
Just think of it! No trial, no appeal, just that lonely soul-screeching, gut-wrenching sentence that they're "condemned already." Wouldn't you agree with me that such a statement from the Judge of all the Earth, who always does right and thereby judges righteously, would indeed be a horrifying way to live where every breath one takes is under the condemnation of Almighty God? What a heavy burden that would surely be to carry around day after day!
Oh, praise God it doesn't end up that way for anyone who has trusted Jesus Christ for salvation. That eternal death sentence will be reversed for those who are NOW in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1 promises us, "There is therefore NOW no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (caps mine)
Friend, what about you? Are you walking in the flesh of condemnation today, or are you living in the Spirit of Christ Jesus?
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