Jason constantinoff
on Yesterday, 6:25 am
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The standard preaching on Matthew 14:22-33 goes something like this: "Notice, brethren, how that Peter was the only one with enough faith to step out and trust Jesus. And Jesus honored this faith by allowing him to take a few steps on the water. It wasn't until Peter took his eyes off of Jesus that he began to sink."
Although this angle might have some merit, I believe the greater point is almost always overlooked. The original command was not to walk on water, but rather to get into the ship and go to the other side (vs. 22). Jesus knew full well that the storm was coming when He gave this command, so the whole episode was a test to see if they would have faith to remain in the ship and ride out the storm. Peter didn't, so he was the only one to end up all wet, being only PERMITTED to walk on water, not commanded to do so, and not commended for trying. His few steps on the water accomplished nothing. When he got back into the ship, the wind ceased (vs 32) and they went on to the other side, which was the original command and the perfect will of God. Peter should have learned that (1) God knows best, (2) that we need to pay close attention to exactly what God says, and (3) that our foolish endeavors often take us away from the will of God, no matter how good we feel about them.
God isn't looking for heroes and spotlight Christians. He's looking for faithfulness and obedience to His words (I Sam. 15:22; I Cor. 4:2). THAT will get you through any storm that life might bring. Trying to walk on water will only waste valuable time and make you look like a fool.
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