Jason constantinoff
on February 20, 2025
Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, e v e n as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
EVEN AS CHRIST: Christ knew and r e a l i z e d that the church will always be filled with Christians who will have 'good days' and
'bad days'.
The church, the Body of Christ which are believers, t e n d to be moody, fickle, spiritual one day, carnal the next.
If they have more days being spiritual then they t e n d to stick with the church through thick and thin.
However, if they have m o r e days being carnal, bitter, negative, then they will walk away from the church when they 'feel' the church is not catering to their personal needs.
Now, what would happen if God thought like the a v e r a g e church member?
What if God only loved us w h i l e we were spiritual?
What if God t h u m p e d us as soon as we were started to complain and blame his church?
Those who 'o f t e n' talk about the church/pastor or bounce between churches are those who are struggling with themselves and n o t the church.
God is patient, kind, and long suffering, but don't m i s t a k e these attributes for His approval of your words or actions towards the church.
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February 20, 2025
February 20, 2025