Jason constantinoff
on February 18, 2025
One reason for so many believers and so many churches sliding into apostasy is the fact that they forget (if they ever knew) that they are in enemy territory. The risk of becoming a casualty is much higher in enemy territory, so greater defense measures are required. When this truth is ignored, people suffer spiritually and the devil wins.
The world, the flesh and the devil are the three standard enemies of the believer in Christ, but knowing that doesn't help much, if you fail to meditate on it and to develop winning strategies.
For instance, knowing that the world is your enemy is good (James 4:4; Rom. 12:1-3), but it's also useless, if you fail to see how the world has so crippled modern-day churches (Laodicea, Rev. 3:14-22) that most of them are practically religious branches of the world rather than part of the honorable Philadelphia remnant (Rev. 3:7-13). Even in the Philadelphia remnant churches, Satan is always looking to plant his agents or at least his philosophies and traditions that oppose the words of God. That's why a "trust nobody" policy is the safest policy for the Christian. That doesn't mean to disrespect anyone or to be unkind to them, but it does mean that none of us are mistake-proof and that we should prove ALL things, as the Book says (I Ths. 5:21).
Perhaps you've read my writings for years and have grown to trust me and to keep studying after me. That's good, but keep your guard up. The devil knows that our literature reaches many people, so he would love to sow some tares in our wheat and mislead a lot of people. So, rather than believe something, always pray over it and be sure that sufficient scripture is given. The great "falling away" is well underway, and none of us are exempt from it.
People, by nature, tend to be lazy and they prefer to plug into automatic systems that relieve them of various responsibilities. By working for a company, for instance, you might fulfill the needs of having a way to pay your bills, having health insurance, having paid vacations, and having a retirement plan. It's automatic; those four needs are fulfilled by your employment with a particular company. That's fine, but that way of life has also spoiled us to the point that we look for such conveniences everywhere. Why go to the pharmacy, then to the hardware store, then to the grocery store, when you can do it all at the supercenter? Just plug into the convenient system and relax! That's the trend today, and that's the philosophy that many have with God, the Bible, church and the preacher. Just go to this or that church and all will be fine. Presto! Automatic spirituality! Just take your guard down, sit back, and enjoy "the system" that does it all for you.
That's what the devil wants for you and I, and that's exactly what we don't need to do. Spiritual growth is a personal, daily effort. Nothing is automatic, nothing is instant, and very little is convenient. Our daily duty is to bear a cross (Luke 9:23), not to plug into convenience. We are to be sober and vigilant (I Pet. 5:8), not snoozing on the sofas of Zion. More than ever, we are in enemy territory, and we'll be shamefully defeated, if we forget it.
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February 18, 2025
February 18, 2025