Yavapai Preparedness Team
on February 15, 2025
It is with great sadness we advise that we have lost a great patriot, and faithful supporter of our community. After being in business in California for 20 years, Dave opened Mazy's in Chino Valley in 1991. He brought 50 years of expertise and skill that has greatly benefited firearms enthusiasts.
Dave has generously supported this town, by donating bicycles to children's charities, town projects and schools and safety equipment for our local police department.
When he learned of the preparedness mission of our Oath Keepers group, he made space in his shop to provide medical supplies, storable foods and other items for which our members had no other local source. And he always offered discounts if one mentioned Oath Keepers. He has been behind us in very big ways, and we will always be grateful.
A memorial service will be held Saturday, February 22, at 11:00 am, at Grace Church. The address is 2010 State Rte 89, Chino Valley. (At Outer Loop Road, the roundabout with three horses). Plan on attending to show our gratitude and respect for this fine man. Please wear Oath Keepers colors.
Fortunately, the Mazy's store will continue on, serving our town and county, under the ownership of Dave's beautiful and knowledgeable daughter, Jennifer.
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