Stanley Hutchison
on February 15, 2025
Majority of people DON'T REALIZE that there is NO QUARANTINE STATION on the Border under CDC CONTROL. Just wait and see is not a option being used. Thus BIO HAZARDS JUST SNEEK OR WALK IN. At one time TB and Measles was controlled and for years not coming. While other COUNTRIES did not control their spread of these HEALTH HAZARDS. Those who travel by AIR entering Infected COUNTRIES of KNOWN BIO HAZARDS also FAIL to get SHOTS, where as the Military Require Shots pior to traveling to these Infected COUNTRIES. What's next another OUTBREAK being brought into the United States by a ILLEGAL or a Citizen who failed to get a shot. Thus like Covid-19 was not stopped at the Border. A BIO WEAPON RELEASED, WHICH KILLED MILLIONS.
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