The focus of Bible Scripture is IsraelWhether you believe in God or not, whether you have studied Bible Prophecy or not, what is written in Scripture continues to come to passEven the Holocaust, Deuteronomy 28:15-29, is recordedIsrael’s dispersion amongst the nations, their return to the land, and their prosperity. And do you know this, it is repeated over and over because Israel always turns it's back on their God, and He chastises them according to what He has saidWhat does it mean to you. Soon a war is going to start, if you are here when it breaks out“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”(Matthew 24:21, KJV)I believe the destruction of Gaza (about to start for filthy Lucre, but God will allow it). It is also possible Damascus may be made desolate before Gaza“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”(Isaiah 17:1, KJV)Either one will bring in what is called the Ezekiel or Magog warWhen it is over, more than two thirds of people of the perish and the rest will be ruled by Jesus Christ from Jerusalem. That is over two billion lives lostIsrael, two thirds perish, however, those that are left will be restored to their rightful home, the full measure of Israel. No more Islam or hatred, just a thousand years of peace until God's final stage is played out (poor climate protesters, the whole creation is melted by God to erase all Sin in His RealmNow, the question. Do you believe what God inspired men to pen, then read the Gospel tract hereThe Gospel in tract format🙏🙏🙏Sorry, I forgot those that don't believe“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”(Revelation 20:15, KJV)#wrath #tribulation #god #jesus #gospel #wickedness #Bible #EndTimes #Prophecy #Israel #Gaza #ww3 #damascus #WithoutLiesIslamENDS #islam
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