Gary McAdams
on December 15, 2020
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Look, I shoveled the driveway this morning. #Northerners, look at this picture then look outside your windows at bare trees with no leaves, dead grass and, for a lot of you, even #snow. Ask yourself if you would rather spend the #winter where you are now or spend it in the Florida Keys? Call me for a list of homes for sale. Gary McAdams, Key West Realtor, 305-731-0501
#keywest #keywestrealestate #keywestrealtor #garymcadams #garymcadamsrealtor #garymcadamsrealestate #garymcadamskeywest #realestate #garymcadamspa #realtor #keywestflorida #keywesthouse #realtorgary #floridakeys #florida #forsale #floridakeysrealestate
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