Jeremiah 18:8 - If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, TURN from their e v i l, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. Jeremiah 18:10 - If it do e v i l in my sight, that it obey NOT my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them. AMERICA: A president can't s t o p evil. A pastor can't s t o p evil. Any president/pastor can assist, but it's up to the people to have a change of heart. If a nation does n o t repent, then GOD himself judges that nation with the EVIL that they allow or promote.Today, it is common to 'l e a d' a political revolution instead of 'leading' a nation to godly repentance. Millions of people will campaign for their favorite political person, but when it comes time to go on church visitation, pastors hear crickets.Christians: Don't call yourself B i b l i c a l if you refuse to see our nation as God sees it: L a z y, absent from church, absent from praying, absent from giving, absent from all the 'old-fashion' principles that made America Great. Don't call yourself Biblical or compare yourself to Bible examples of kings/warriors (Moses, Joshua, Caleb, King David) when you don't even worship like the Warriors of God from the Bible times.If a nation won't a t t e n d church, pray, worship, offer praises, or live the Christian life then no matter who is in OFFICE, they are leading a spiritually DEAD people who will still be judged by GOD.
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