Jason constantinoff
on February 6, 2025
There seems to be abundance of lazy bums in the body of Christ who don't actually work real jobs because they have "surrendered to full-time Christian ministry," and, as always, there are enough suckers around to fall for their foolishness and encourage them in their shameful way of life.
I don't care WHO you are, if your idea of "ministry" is regularly begging people for money so you can pay your bills, then you are a BEGGAR, not a minister of Jesus Christ. Jesus came "not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45), and He didn't do it by mooching from others so He could bask in the spotlight of "ministry." You people are no better than the socialists who take from hard-working Americans so they can be the "heroes" who "give" to the "needy." You're just like them in practice, except you're worse, because your devilment is done in the name of Jesus Christ! There will always be enough suckers around to support you sick freaks, but there will also be enough discerning people around to see right through your crap and to warn others about you.
Some of you even present yourselves as "missionaries," which is just insane. A true missionary works like a madman and is supported regularly by numerous churches WITHOUT having to beg for money. He's basically an employee of Bible-believing churches who has earned the confidence and support of Christians by hard WORK, not by begging like a lazy fool. The fact that you always have to beg for money is evidence that God has NOT blessed your so-called "ministry". That's why you have to prey on the gullible for support instead of being regularly supported by Bible-believing churches like REAL missionaries. You're sick and you're shameful, regardless of how many people you've conned into singing your praises. Begging is for SLUGGARDS, not ministers of Christ.
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February 6, 2025
February 6, 2025