Brett Gandy
on January 28, 2025
When was the last time you encountered Jesus? No, I’m not talking about having visions – although I’m not ruling that out! Just as we often have the opportunity to be "Jesus" for others, we should expect others to be him for us – and often in the most unlikely people or places. Many years ago, I had an old station wagon that I had just used to haul more kids than I probably should have been hauling, and needed all the space I could find. That move included not bringing my jack – although I did have enough sense to hang on to my spare tire. I had dropped them off at the camp, but just off of the Maine turnpike I blew a tire. Tow trucks sailed by me. The State police did the same. Finally, two young men, driving a truck that looked worse than mine, stopped and changed my tire. These men were not well dressed, probably the type that I might ordinarily have held my breath while walking past them on the street. I offered to pay them, but they said that they just hoped that someone would do the same for their mother if she were stuck on the highway. I thanked God for sending me "Jesus" when I needed him. This is not the only time that my prayers have been answered in unexpected ways. Another time, I was working with a group of people who had gathered for scripture reflection. One woman suffered from both physical and mental issues, yet her reflections were so insightful I thanked God for putting her in our group. She taught me much. In this gospel passage, Jesus was rejected by his neighbors because they thought that they knew him. It is just as easy for us to overlook the gifts of those we think we know best. Jesus shows up in the most unlikely of places, but we still have to be open to seeing him. And so I repeat the first question, when was the last time YOU encountered Jesus?
Prayer: Jesus, give me the grace to look for you today and find you in all the places and faces I see. Amen.
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