Isaiah 40:18 - To whom then will ye l i k e n God? or what likeness will ye COMPARE unto him? COMPARE: Do you even 'd a r e' to compare your 'personal' righteousness with the righteousness of God?Do you even 'd a r e' to compare your personal life to the life of God?Do you even 'd a r e' compare your 'sacrifices' towards God/church as if your sacrifices can equal the atoning sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary?Never c o n f u s e the doctrine of Salvation with the Doctrine of Sanctification. Salvation is through and by ONE. Your sanctification is a 'd a i l y' work that differs from the work of salvation accomplished at Calvary. Sanctification is to d e v e l o p your personal walk/relationship with God 'through' your works (Church, Bible Knowledge, Prayers, Witnessing, etc.) for God. WORKMANSHIP - Ephesians 2:10 - For we are his workmanship, c r e a t e d in Christ Jesus UNTO good works, which God hath before ordained that we should WALK in them.Your salvation is an event that is "HIS" workmanship, not yours! You are c r e a t e d 'in Christ Jesus' which means you can 'not' create your own salvation. The act of salvation is t h r o u g h the Saviour at the cross, and not through your church, priest, pastor, or personal religious activities: sacraments, baptism, tithing, church attendance, worship, etc. All your good 'works' f o l l o w salvation and never create salvation but it will develop your sanctification/walk before God and man. Therefore, n e v e r get the cart before the horse and think/teach that your sanctification produces or helps with salvation.That m i x t u r e will be liken to oil and water - it will never mix.
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