Ask Uncle Randy
on 19 hours ago
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Television was invented as a method of control. Repetition is key to believing something is true. TV works on this principal. It is structured in a repetitious way: Flashy INTRO, then SHOW/NEWS, flashy OUT, COMMERCIAL, REPEAT. Within the commercials and TV programming (notice how they even call it #programming) the same messages are repeated time and time again. This is social engineering. #Illuminati are able to dictate cultural norms and trends through TV repetition. They appeal to your most base desires like sex and food so your mind is constantly in lust, never able to think for itself.
#Children are most susceptible. Monkey see monkey do. The media has been becoming more and more sexually explicit over the years and their target audience keeps getting younger. The sooner they can hook somebody, the deeper their agenda of mindlessness for the average citizen can drive into the brain, and the harder it is for the individual to undo the programming.
Ever notice how the news is always bad? We are kept in a state of panic. We then act with emotion instead of logic, and constantly look for comfort. Many are in a perpetual state of adolescence, unable to think for themselves. They turn to the comfort of the digital family. Digital dad who’s been right there in the living room with you every night will tell you what to think... #Mindcontrol #MKultra
-Kizzy Aisha
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