Brett Gandy
on December 31, 2024
Any Christian should have heard these verses at some point. Could John have ever known how important the words that he wrote would be for hundreds of years and for billions of people? I ask you, brothers and sisters in Christ, can you imagine doing what can make such an impact?
Go from this place, holding this verse dear in your heart. Go to God in prayer and wonder how you can make your biggest impact; think about how you can touch as many hearts as you can; ask how you can serve the Lord, our God, the maker of heaven and earth, who will judge the quick and the dead, to the best of your abilities.
Lovers of God, devotees in Christ, I ask that the blessings of all our hearts and the meditations of our souls always be acceptable in the sight of the Lord. He is our rock, our shield, our strength, and our redeemer. Go from where you are and love the Lord, love each other, serve the Lord, and serve the people. Leave everything else, to God. Amen.
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