Brett Gandy
on December 26, 2024
One of my earliest memories is a sad one. I do not remember all of the details, but I must have been about 4 years old at the time. I got into an argument with my mother, and for some reason, I snapped. My mother is the best woman I have ever met in my life. A better mom doesn’t exist. In my moment of childish rage, I told her that I hated her, and went up to my room to cry.
Even today, I look back on this event and feel sad. I asked my mother about it and she didn’t remember so it wasn’t as important to her I suppose. Even as a 4-year old, I was spewing and spreading hate. If I at such a young age can do it, think about how much it happens on earth.
If you claim to hate anyone and love God, you are a hypocrite. Christ does not tolerate those that hate, teaching about how we should treat even our worst enemies. You can look to the Old Testament, of course, and find examples of God showing favor to some people and hating others, but that all changed when his son, Christ, was born. With Christ’s birth we were all something new, including God. There are no instances of Christ spreading hate, and we should try to follow his lead. If we all do this, the word will disappear, and a new world will appear.
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