on December 18, 2024
13 December 2Q24
Massimilian Grasso:
#Can't stop !! Trump's military ally prepares to launch medical beds worldwide in 2025.
Cover up, Destruction of the Deep State..!!
The suppression of Med Bed technology is one of history's darkest betrayals. It was orchestrated by the elite, and created Big Pharma to enslave humanity to disease.
Donald J Trump
Trump and his military allies are responding by planning a global Med Bed launch for 2025.
It's not just about medical freedom. It's about the liberation of humanity. Trump's secret med bed war. During his presidency, Trump signed a secret war to recall black-budget technology like Med Beds.
The United States Space Force, founded in 2019, has become critical to protecting these technologies.
Some of which are said to be from alien sources, these advancements are hidden in places like Antarctica and the Cheyenne Mountains. The Med Bed was used exclusively by the elite to extend their lives while the population suffered.
Plans for 2025. The Alliance aims to make Med Beds available to the public by 2025 as part of NESARA/GESARA.
Which is the start of the global financial reset for
Spreading the wealth and dismantling the elite.
Redemption Centers will distribute technology supervised by military officials to stop the havoc.
Treatments will range from chronic disease treatment to reverse aging, with a focus on vulnerable groups, veterans and those affected by vaccines.
Desperate resistance to Big Pharma. The elites are panicking.
Plan Leaked Reveals Big Pharma's Push to Discredit Med Beds via Fake Education and Media Contempt.
Global figures like Klaus Schwab are accused of using cyber attacks and infiltration to delay the launch.
However, Trump allies have adopted advanced objection measures to ensure success. Exposing the cruelty.
Leaked Documents Reveal Med Beds Were Secretly Used to Extend Decades of Elite Characters.
While the general public is denied access, moreover, unethical experiments are carried out. There are often children to perfect the technology.
Trump allies plan to deny these horrors and hold those responsible.
In 2025..??!
Timing in line with Quantum Financial System (QFS) and NESARA/GESARA which will destroy the financial control of the elite.
And to make sure Med Beds are still free
This ensures that technology that is meant to heal does not become just a tool of oppression.
This fight isn't just about Med Beds, it's about dismantling the system that enslaves humanity.
#ความจริงกําลังจะมาถึงภายในปี 2025..!!
The world will witness the Med Beds Revolution is real and the Trump allies are making it happen.
Prepare for healing. Prepare for freedom. The future is here.
Massimiliano Grasso
Massimiliano Q Grasso
13 December 2Q24
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