Sea Raven Press LLC
on December 12, 2024
BOOK OF THE DAY: No one knows what day Jesus was born, his birthday was not celebrated in the First Century, Christmas is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, and the holiday was banned by English and American Christians in the 1600s. So why do we celebrate Christ’s birthday on December 25th? Read our bestseller “Christmas Before Christianity,” by award-winning Christian historian and Bible authority Lochlainn Seabrook and find out! Available in paperback and hardcover on our Webstore: #ChristmasBooks #ChristianBooks #SpiritualBooks #Christianity #Jesus #ChristmasTraditions #ChristmasTree #SantaClaus #Paganism #AncientHistory #RealHistoryMatters
Dimension: 576 x 890
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Rene Hollan
Christmas is a Christian co-opting of Pagan Solstice celebrations to encourage conversion to Christianity.
December 12, 2024 Edited