Brett Gandy
on December 10, 2024
The American inventor Henry Ford once said ‘Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re probably right’. This sentiment is reflected in a quote from Yoda in the movie Star Wars; "Do or do not. There is no try." But what can we learn from Jesus Christ about this attitude?
We are asked to use our own will, our mind to set hopes on grace being brought to us when Jesus returns. At first glance, it may seem like a threat ‘you better pray he’s nice to you’. But that’s a superficial understanding. What we’re being asked to do is to focus our minds and intentions towards receiving the Lord's grace when he returns. Only when we set our alert and sober thoughts towards earning Jesus’ blessings can we prepare ourselves to live a life of good action that enables us to open up and receive them. When we think we can, we are right. We don’t try, we just do.
How quickly do we expect things these days? With so much information quickly at our fingertips, it is easy to forget that eternity awaits us. We must not waste our time on Earth. Study, stay sharp and stay focused on what is important: living a life in the name of Jesus.
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