Dave Parrish
on December 6, 2024
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You Can't Trivialize God
I had only heard about you before,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
6 I take back everything I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”
---Job 42:5-6
People try to trivialize God today thinking they can keep Him out of school, government and their lives. Bible-believing churches have been marginalized, making people uncomfortable talking about Jesus and the Christian faith in many places. But can you trivialize God? Job found out really quick you can't do it. Instead, God comes to Job in all his majesty and does not explain himself. Instead, He asked Job obvious questions he could not answer: Where were you when I created the world? Explain how I created certain animals. Will you instruct me?
Job is dumbfounded and speechless. He who constantly spoke, wanting to know the ways of God, puts his hand over His mouth in silence. God says, "You want me; you got me: Now, what do you have to say for yourself"?
Someday everyone will be confronted with who God is. All people's efforts to trivialize God or ignore them will come crashing down. We will all give an account of ourselves before God Rom. 14:12. Job said I heard of you, but now I didn't know what I asked for. It leads him to repentance in dust and ashes. If Job, who was righteous, needed to repent, what about us? God will not be placed where we want Him to be. Instead, He will one day get His due, and everyone better pray we are on His side: The only right side.
---Pastor Dan Nelson
Dimension: 474 x 266
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