Jason constantinoff
on December 5, 2024
If you are holding a grudge or animosity with anyone and you are saved, you cannot testify to being "right" with God! Go to them and then go to God. The myriad of hidden sins that we forget is always under the light of our Creator. How can we say we love Jesus and yet hate those who may have done us wrong? Our wrongs nailed Him to the cross and yet His love for who we would call our "enemies" kept Him there to finish God's plan! Guess what, you and I fall into that category. Forgiveness frees the believer whether your wrong or someone else's. I've known hurt, anger and disappointment as a Christian. It took me a while to realize that all of those feelings kept me from living a FULL life in Christ. You don't have to take them to dinner but you must take them to the Lord in prayer! Try forgiveness... It sets the captive FREE❤️
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December 5, 2024
December 5, 2024