"A SIMPLE PLEA FOR HELP" "Then came she and worshipped him, saying, LORD, HELP ME." (Matthew 15:25) (caps mine)Read the entire account of this exciting miracle in verses 21-28 and then pause and ponder this short prayer of a woman from Canaan who came to Jesus that long ago day. Her broken heart yearns for her daughter to be delivered from that dastardly deed of the devil. As this caring mother makes her way to Jesus, maybe she was reciting over and over in her mind the exact words she would ask when she finally sees that Holy Healer from Heaven. In her own troubled mind, she wanted to make sure that Jesus fully understood the peril of her soul and the pain that her young child back home was experiencing.The Lord Jesus had just finished speaking about the heart and now we follow Him as He departs for the coasts of Tyre and Sidon (v.21). You see, Jesus knew that there was a troubled and hurting soul who would be coming to Him for help. He always knows who needs His help and where the hurting hearts are, doesn't He? Life's maladies and the miseries they often bring us are indeed very near and dear to our Great Physician.The woman finally arrives. What will she say now as she stands before Him? Will she share every detail concerning her daughter's plight? Will she voice with great anguish how demon possession had taken its toll on her as well as she watched her little girl suffering day after day with all this hollering and hatred from Hell?After she relates the situation, we hear her prayer that was offered nearly 2000 years ago. In her helpless state the woman worships Jesus then calls out those three simple words, "LORD, HELP ME."Has the simplicity of her prayer sunk in yet folks? You know, admitting our helplessness is the best prayer any of us can breathe because it rises from deep within our souls and secures the remedy from the Healing Hand of God. There is no greater plea that you and I can ever utter than that one of total helplessness! For it touches the very heart of God's mercy where miraculous answers await like it did for this mommy.The Scriptures tell us the woman "worshipped" Him? (v. 25). Likewise, we worship Him when we place our feeble inability in the caring hands of His faithful ability all the while remembering what He said, "...for without me ye can do nothing." (John 15:5)Friends, oh that you and I, like this dear lady, would realize our helplessness the next time we bow the head or bend the knee by simply crying out with child-like faith, "LORD, HELP ME."
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