Will Jones
on December 3, 2024
Holohoax propaganda was needed to relocate Germany’s “franchised” “buffer caste” to Khazar false-Jew “royalty” and papacy, the false-Jew weapons industry from regional “cottage industry” “fiefdom”/“ghettoes,” viz. “foundries,” in Italian, to papal knight Vatican-front Khazar false-Jew Rockefeller-stooge; “Episcopalian” and Hitler-financier Prescott Bush’s string of modern mass-production arsenals, fed by his new “hi-tech” photogenic fake chimney-free - flueless/disconnected chimney was built in 1946 by Russian Zionist false-Jews - Auschwitz Steelworks: to make weapons more efficiently to better kill repentant Christian Gentiles, Russian and American.
Hochul and her faction are priest-sodomized Canaanite demon-possessed America-attacking Gog. Ezek. 38:11
Rome and the rabbi-sodomized Canaanite demon-possessed false-Jews are Idumean Christ-killing “country cousins.” Note their regular intermarriage.
Marian cult and Talmud/Zionist cult work in Satanic psychopathy to kill all Gentiles. viz. true Americans. i.e. repentant Christians of all colors. Their Anti-Christ sodomite child-raping Beast faction lately cheated into office their fellow demons of Pedo Joe and his cabinet and VP; and, have slaved Latin America and Canada the last 500 years, Gog’s Congress-usurping Fifth Column’s making us papal catspaws in Korea and in Vietnam after the Roman Catholic priest-sodomized demon-possessed CIA/FBI/SS killed JFK to put us back in-country six weeks after NSAM 263 ordered us out.
Thank God our King they soon fail. Ezek. 39
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