?? WOW!!!Here we go again. Truth1. The average American only has between 2-4 bowel movements per week and is 70,000 bowel movements short in their lifetime. Only 50% of the population poops every day. The recommended #2's a day are 2-3 ?2. America now has the highest rate of bowel disease in the World! 3. Just ONE cubic inch of USDA Grade A beef contains over 1000 parasites. These parasites typically don't harm you if you are having 2-3 bowel movements every day, but if you're not, their larvae can hatch, latch on to your intestinal walls and live inside you, wreaking havoc on your digestive system. ?4. Over 80% of your immune function stems from gut health. EIGHTY. PERCENT. Hippocrates said "All disease begins in the gut." If it starts there, it could end there. If you are not eliminating 2-3 times every single day, I have a possible solution for you. I've helped tons of people about this "issue" and I'd love to help you too. ??
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