on December 5, 2020
?? WOW!!!
Here we go again. Truth
1. The average American only has between 2-4 bowel movements per week and is 70,000 bowel movements short in their lifetime. Only 50% of the population poops every day. The recommended #2's a day are 2-3 ?
2. America now has the highest rate of bowel disease in the World!
3. Just ONE cubic inch of USDA Grade A beef contains over 1000 parasites. These parasites typically don't harm you if you are having 2-3 bowel movements every day, but if you're not, their larvae can hatch, latch on to your intestinal walls and live inside you, wreaking havoc on your digestive system. ?
4. Over 80% of your immune function stems from gut health. EIGHTY. PERCENT. Hippocrates said "All disease begins in the gut." If it starts there, it could end there.
If you are not eliminating 2-3 times every single day, I have a possible solution for you. I've helped tons of people about this "issue" and I'd love to help you too. ??
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