on November 4, 2024
I believe it is possible to make a peace solution in Ukraine.
That allows west Ukraine to Join NATO and the EU.
That allows the Russian speaking areas to Join Russia and have them both west and east Ukraine accepted and recognised at the UN and accepted internationally.
How do you do that?
By making a buffer state in the middle of Ukraine as part of a 3 state solution for Israel Palestine.
There are many Zionist Jews in Ukraine anyway, there are many Russian Jews, Zelensky himself is.
Suggest peace plan, requires, giving Jordan areas in the North, that will also act as a buffer zone, between Israel and Syria and Lebanon, while simultaneously allowing Jordan direct Access to the Mediterranean sea to facilitate trade routes through Jordan.
Syria and Lebanon in the interests of peace should also give up some territory to make this buffer zone.
Jordan in exchange for the areas in the north will return to Israel the historical tribal territories of Gad & Reuben.
In the South, Egypt in the interests of peace and to help the Palestinians should give some territory to a new Palestinian secular state, probably with Gaza as it's capital.
Tribal lands of Dan and simeon will become the new borders of "my beloved" the new state of the holy land.
The new state of gaza will be a secular state for both religious and irreligious Palestinians.
The holy land will become a religious state, that requires anyone who lives there as a jew, is religious.
The new buffer state in Ukraine will be for secular Jews, Zionist Jews, atheist jews, and Jews who keep oral Torah.
Karaites only on the holy land.
This peace deal, ends the war in Ukraine gives both Russia and Ukraine much of what they want.
It also ends the Israel Palestine conflict, gives Palestinians a homeland, gives secular jews a homeland.
And makes a new Israel for all people of faith to live in.
The secular Jewish state that resides inside the current Ukrainian war zone, must be big enough to act as a buffer between Russia and the west must take a position of Neutrality to Russia and NATO, that is enshrined in it's constitution. I doubt it would be needed, but New Secular Jewish state should enshrine, an anti fascist anti Nazi laws also, thus ensuring the "denazification" in the buffer zone the Russian claim they seek.
Religious Palestinians who have a family claim to houses inside current Israel will be allowed to return to their homes, Irreligious Palestinians, can sell their claims to whoever they want(hopefully a religious person), then use the money to buy a new home in the new Palestinian state or somewhere else.
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