Quint Burks
on December 5, 2020
Our experiences, whether because of our own decisions or circumstances that we had nothing to do with, do not have to control or label us. But let them be a learning experience that grows us and prepares us for future success. God uses us when we have a teachable spirit. We should not have to go around the same mountain over and over again. Our growth should plow us a new path.
I have also found that through my past experiences, and success in overcoming, God has given me the opportunity to minister to others that may be going through the same things. So, in retrospect, others are depending on us to overcome, to conquer, to succeed, because in the future they are going to need our experience to be encouraged.
Keep pressing on! Don't give up! Learn from past mistakes and don't repeat them. Learn from past successes and duplicate those. Walk with God through the trial and the blessing. He does not plan failure!
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen.
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