Will Jones
on October 30, 2024
It is not a coincidence Mr. Trump is born and raised generationally repentant Christian Gentile: stock American from before The Founding - why God made covenant with our Black of Sheba and White repentant Christian ancestors, “Israel Regathered,” who welcomed all nations to “flow into” America, viz. Isa. 2:2, “E Pluribus Unum,” to worship Our Holy King, Sovereign and Savior; and, cheated-in Kamala Harris and Joe Biden - and Stolen Valor CCP Tampon Tim - were each ritually sodomized for demon-possession as innocent toddlers of generationally unrepentant Canaanite Idumean Gog’s sodomite child-raping Hindu, Marian and Lutheran cults. Ezek. 38:11
Thank God their multicult Beast faction loses bigly. Ezek. 39
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