Jehovah God created me Wednesday, June 20, 1973, at 8:40 AM Fort Riley, Kansas. When I was born, mom told me that I was different and unique. When I turned 9 years old amd getting ready to turn 10 years old my mom told me that when she noticed that I at 10 years old started being myself and I got saved and asked Jesus as my Lord and Savior, my mom told me that I was created not to fit in the world but to stand out. I knew then that I was not meant to fit in the world that we all grew and grow up in. I was and am created to stand out like I do. I am different, odd, strange, weird, bizarre, and a freak. I like to think of myself as unique. I am Thoreus Abomindoom Maethinos and I love you Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.Thoreus Abomindoom Maethinos Wimkin.Com
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