Paul Ring
on December 4, 2020
More evidence of what I have described as our approaching "Gorbachev moment": a recently launched politically bipartisan site, "A New Civil War," exploring the propects of civil war/secession in America.
How did I come to conceive that term "the Gorbachev moment"? Way back in the early 90's Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev perceived many of the same sorts of serious fissures overtaking Soviet society and furiously began negotiation of a new union treaty that would have preserved the old Soviet Union as a loose "Union of Sovereign States." However, he was outpaced by events and the Soviet Union shattered into 15 separate countries.
I would argue that Americans are so caught up in partisanship or a sense of American singularity that we are blind to the fact that this country is careening toward a similar fate. Either we face up to this country's wrenching divisions and undertake a wholesale transformation of American federalism or we face a similarly grim fate - civil war or break up or possibly a combination of the two.
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