Quint Burks
on December 4, 2020
Sometimes we limit ourselves because we think we don't have enough to offer. We feel like we can't make an impact because we are rich enough, smart enough, etc. when all that is needed is to sincerely care.
Pastor Cherri Burks and I were just discussing yesterday about how America has become so fake. It is like some kind of warped movie where truth is no longer truth and the population just walks around in this fantasy world. Hurting people are looking for something real, something tangible to hold on to. Fake doesn't cut it when you are in a time of need and crisis.
Want to make a difference in someone's life? Just genuinely care. Set all of the platitudes and puffed up fantasies aside and just care.
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen.
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