Daniel Kieran
on December 2, 2020
I want to know why so many people in our culture willingly accept lies as the truth. The main issues we deal with in America were designed to be life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Yet in our culture, some of us willingly embrace fabrications and lies that deny these American ideals.
Let?s consider a few, shall we?
?100% green energy: This is a fantasy. There is no such technology that exists today where 100% of our energy can be supplied by sustainable, reliable renewable sources in support of life as we know it. The means to do it literally doesn?t exist.
?Human-caused climate change: Al Gore should be locked up at GITMO for promoting this completely fabricated lie to the world. The impact of humanity on our Earth?s climate is real... and we should absolutely take care of our great unique and amazing home...
HOWEVER! How arrogant are we to think that after 4,543,000,000 years, we are deciding the fate of our planet with a more powerful impact than our star: The Sun. The Sun produces as much energy as @ 1,000,000 one mega-ton nukes PER SECOND. And we think 7 billion people capable of exhausting about 6 watts of power if we could extract 100% of the energy in our flatulence... per day... are going to master the fate of this planet?
I?m pretty sure that IF we could absolutely and without any doubt measure our contribution to changes in Earth?s climate, it would be so miniscule that the whole idea would be forgotten about and never ever discussed again! But that?s the whole premise of pushing bullshit on humanity! It must be something that can never be truly measured! Then you can lie for eternity and nobody can deny it! Why? Because NOBODY CAN PROVE IT. It simply can?t be done.
?OMG?, you might say, ?now hold up!? The Earth?s atmospheric carbon has increased in the last 100 years to 409.8 ppm +/- 0.1 ppm (2019). Okay, maybe so. I ask you this unfathomable ?climate change? question:
1. How do you know the increase is from humanity
2. If it is, is it a bad thing?
3. If it?s a bad thing, can we change it?
4. If we can change it, how much?
NONE of these questions can be accurately answered scientifically.
How do I know that? I don?t. But neither does anyone. What you?ve been told isn?t verifiable. Neither is what I?m saying - but that is exactly the purpose of the ?climate change? mission! To spread a fairy tale as the undeniable truth, and deny that it?s a fabrication. Is THAT what you choose to believe? Think about it. Perhaps that is why we have so many buying into the bullshit of the day! To reject it takes actual THOUGHT. Scary concept for so many nowadays!
?Atmospheric carbon destroys our planet: There?s an ?inconvenient truth? that 50 million years ago in the Cambrian Era, life on Earth flourished! What was the measure of atmospheric carbon then? SEVEN TIMES what it is today, nearly 3000 ppm. If 410 ppm is going to destroy life on this planet in 12-4=8 years, how did life survive well over 2500 ppm? Still a ?Climate Change? believer? Well then pray to the gods of the Al Gorean religion, because your intelligence isn?t going to save you from the mass produced lies it has enslaved your mind with!
I?m just trying to set you free! Don?t you want to be free? Or is it too convenient to go along with groupthink?
Clue: groupthink replaces individual thought. It?s when one chooses to let other people think for them. Doesn?t that seem like it might be a problem? It sure does to me! Good luck with that!
?Patriarchal Dominance: Apparently, we are supposed to weaken our men in the world because men have taken over the planet with male dominance aggression. On that logic, if you are afraid of lions, why not genetically alter them to be tiny harmless kitty cats? Since we already have tiny harmless kitty cats, why not annihalate lions into extinction? I don?t think that?s the answer. Neither do I think dressing lions up in pretty ribbons and bows and trying to convince them to be less aggressive is the answer. Why do we try to do this to our men?
It blows my mind that women ask: ?Where have all the real men gone?? Well, you tried to make them not men! So when you?ve suceeded, you don?t get to ask where they?ve gone. You already know the answer. Instead of creating weakened and watered down men, what if we created respectful and responsible men? Why not that? Why not train aggression to be channeled to accomplish great tasks, to be comstructive and not destructive, to stand tall and strong in defense of the female gender, and not its adversary?
Instead, men are considered to be the enemy if its own humanity. How about NO!!! How about NOT THAT. How about there?s more to us and we are the female gender?s true partner OF humanity. Why do we play God and try to change His design? Who made that rule, and what the hell is the outcome? If that?s our agenda, then I don?t think in the end we have improved humanity, but we have instead POLLUTED it.
?Face masks save lives. Here we go again! The fairy tale is if you wear a fave mask, you?re saving lives, and science says so!
Then why did the outcome of the CDC?s literal scientific work prove they are INEFFECTIVE? It?s still up on their website! For all the workd to see: ?Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.?
?THAT?S NOT COVID-19!!!? you might say. Agreed. But here?s a hint! Think! Here?s another hint! The Flu virus is approximately TEN TIMES the size of COVID-19. Expecting the fibers of a face mask to stop the ?pandemic? from spreading is like trying to screen out mosquitos with a fishing net. But if you want to believe the bullshit? Hey, it?s still a free country.
Well, kinda. At this rate, not for long!
So, 14 times the same results, and with the scientifically confimed flu virus. Then why, pray tell, did the Governor of Texas - and so many more POLITICIANS (who are supposed to be at our service!) literally say that his mask mandate is science!!
I could go on... but then this would be a book, and I?d have to charge you $19.99 to read it.
(What a great idea).
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