Quint Burks
on December 1, 2020
The farmer digs up the ground by faith. He goes back and plants the seed by faith. He covers it back up believing it will do exactly what he planted it for. Then even though he can?t see what is happening under the soil, he will continue to water and fertilize that seed BELIEVING that it is alive and growing just like he expected it to. He doesn?t give up on that seed, even though he doesn?t see the progress for a season of time, because his livelihood depends on that seed producing.
Are we as adamant about the seed of faith that we plant? Many times we struggle in the season of waiting. Instead of watering and fertilizing what we have planted, we tend to dig those seeds up to check and see if they are growing. We can even hinder the growth of our seeds by constantly disturbing the process that it takes for them to come to fruition.
If the farmer will trust a $1 package of seeds, from a company he doesn?t know, packaged by people he never met, to supply and meet his needs, how much more should we have faith in the one who created us, knows the beginning to the end, has numbered every hair on our head, knows our every need before we even ask?
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen
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