Katrina Clary
on December 1, 2020
What?s the first thing that came through your mind ?
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Brad Petersen
Trying to shoot your toe again.
December 3, 2020
Katrina Clary
Katrina Clary replied - 1 reply
Dick Wagner
FYI My cousin worked security in Cape May USCG after retiring from Phila. P D. Most of my family has been military and or Law enforcement. How many years have you served. Just curious.
December 3, 2020
Katrina Clary
Katrina Clary replied - 1 reply
Doug Swanson
Well, I'd have to say you got tired of counting aircraft rivets while on flight line patrol and took a photo op! (Just kidding ya! I'm retired AF, Vehicle Operator and talked to enough SFS to know. LOL) Second, love the trigger discipline. Third, whats up with the Navy hashtag?!
December 3, 2020
Katrina Clary
Katrina Clary replied - 1 reply