Rudy Davis
on November 30, 2020
Dear Lord Jesus, Your Word promises the wicked will be cut down like the grass. I am standing on the promises of your Word. I hate their censorship with a perfect hatred. I pray for your liberty that you intended for your children. My messages to Scott Faul are now being censored.
This message informs you that your below electronic message to the above-named Federal prisoner is REJECTED and will not be delivered for the following reason(s): * The content of your message jeopardizes the safety, security, or orderly operation of the correctional facility, or the protection of the public.The prisoner to whom you sent this message is <B>NOT</B> being informed of this rejection.You may appeal this rejection within 15 days of the date of this message by submitting a written request to the warden of the prison where the prisoner is located. You should include a copy of this rejection, an explanation of your appeal request, and any additional documents or information you wish to be considered.
SCOTT FAUL #04564-059
FCI Sandstone
PO BOX 1000
Born: July 28, 1953
Arrest Date: Feb. 14, 1983
Release Date: LIFE
Dimension: 1024 x 712
File Size: 39.89 Kb
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