Dave Parrish
on September 17, 2024
Meeting God in Judgment
Matt 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
The idea of facing God in judgment is hardly noticeable today in our modern world. We seem to feel there is no one we will have to be accountable to when we die. But Heb. 9:27 says we will die and then will be the judgment. Jesus could return also and everyone will be judged.
This is not a question open for debate in the Bible. It is not one way of interpretation. No, Christ is coming again, and He will judge the living and the dead. We must be judged so that Christ may enter into His glorious reign of righteousness over heaven and earth. When He comes again, all other matters in life will be insignificant. This is exactly the way Jesus said it would be. He said in chapter 24 that it would be like the days of Noah in which people would eat, drink, give in marriage, and go on with their lives like they will last forever in our present existence. Then suddenly, the flood came without any warning and swept the ungodly all away. The flood is a precursor to the 2nd coming of Christ and His judgment to show how sudden, swift, and certain it will be.
No CNN news polls on whether there will be a judgment or not will matter. We will stand and be judged either at the Great White Throne as unbelievers to be consigned to Hell or at the Judgment Seat of Christ to determine rewards for our faithfulness. But there will be an accounting for all of us, Rom. 14: 10-12. So, we better be ready and get others ready. For there is a Hell, and God has sent Jesus so we will not have to go there but live in eternal fellowship with Him in His kingdom.
Why is there not more realization of our facing God in judgment and the eternal destiny of those without Christ? Listen to what Robert Kendall said for this reason: There is a good reason for believing that Hell is literal. I fear that our generation has seen less preaching on Hell than any other in the history of the church; one will discover Hell that is exactly like God said.
Liberalism and humanism have dismissed the belief in Hell and Judgment. Robert Braun says,: “We are told man does not need God to survive in the world today. There are neat little theories to dismiss Hell. We are told by those who don’t believe in it that it is a scare tactic to stir up emotionalism but those who reject Hell show more emotion in their rejection of it than those who don’t. “
Even modern preachers have said it is dangerous to preach on Hell. Listen to what Robert Schuller said:: By preaching on Hell and Judgment, the clergy can unintentionally unintentionally influence human personality and life.
I never knew I was a destructive influence for preaching on Hell. I don’t think you should thank me for preaching on Hell but you should call me on it if I never mention it. We must affirm what Spurgeon said: He who does not believe in a God who would not punish sin will not believe that God will pardon sin through the blood. He who will not believe that God will cast believers into Hell will not be sure he will take believers to heaven.
---Dan Nelson
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