on November 29, 2020
Ladies, Gentlemen & Patriots?let me introduce the man we believe to be ?Q??Trump?s secret weapon?Ezra Cohen-Watnick
He was then ?trained? in Defense Clandestine Services and by the CIA in ?tactics? (I now believe to observe them), then moved to work in the Defense Intelligence Agency under Lt. General, Michael Flynn?all within about a decade after puberty.
He?s that smart, so when General Flynn became Director of National Intelligence and moved to the White House, he wisely brought Ezra Cohen-Watnick with him.
Deep State hacks who prompted General Flynn?s ouster?including President Trump?s Chief of Staff, Red-loving H.R. McMaster?also tried to have Cohen-Watnick removed, but President Trump would have none of it.President Donald Trump knows talent?and this young man went to his alma mater, University of Pennsylvania?so perhaps he had his eye on Ezra.
Trump refused staff recommendation to fire Flynn?s prot?g?e and moved Ezra to check out the Department of Justice?which many including myself believe was to keep an eye on Jeff Session and the hapless gang there.
His mission was not a job, in my opinion, but to gather evidence for what appears to be this very moment in history?a Reckoning with the Deep State.
Born in 1986, this brilliant young man at the age of just 34, is the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence?and was, in my opinion?symbolically chosen to introduce the new Department of Defense boss, Chris Miller, to send a signal to the rats that their days are numbered.
And he introduced this guy?a no nonsense legend:
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