on November 29, 2020
According to the CIA?s own information operations centre
?Kraken is a Department of Defense cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions of other nations and enemies.? (Hat tip to Pam Geller Reports)
But we now know that the SCYTL server seizure was from a secret operation in Frankfurt?actually controlled by the CIA.
It appears the CIA partnered in the Obama scheme with his mentor, George Soros, the CCP and Globalists seeking ?the Great Reset?, which is Marxist-speak for an overthrow of the U.S. Government?and its president?to ?fundamentally transform the United States? as Obama promised.
So who in Sidney Powell?s orbit could possibly know about the secret CIA hacking program ?Kraken??
Was it just a coincidence that she used the one term that might let the rats know she was on to them .
And if her source knew the term, might he also have access to the program to hack and track the hackers?
If he were the man over all intel?oh say like Ezra Cohen-Watnick, her client?s Number One?he either knew about it and had access to it, or the lowlifes were breaking the law and he caught them red handed.
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