Dave Parrish
on August 30, 2024
“Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.”
--- Psalm 51:12
David still knew God personally but his sin had brought great tragedy to his life. The joy of knowing God, walking with God, keeping His ways & being used of God can be extinguished rapidly by sin that rushes in & dampens the fire of God’s spirit in our lives. It seems so unfair that everything seems to be shut down because we slip & fall. Yet, we are personally responsible for all we do. David saw how his sin had affected him & was to affect future generations. So, he throws himself on the mercy of God in deep contrition & repentance, asking God to do only what He can do: Give Him joy again; Lift him by His mercy, not His justice. If sin can rob us of joy, it is a great accomplishment. But just as sin robs of joy, God can restore it. Don’t keep falling. Turn around and let God restore you. Then the joy will come back. The excitement will be there. God will show us what He can do through us & joy will follow.
--- Dan Nelson
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Love (1)