Quint Burks
on November 27, 2020
Repeat after me: "It is not all about me!"
We are a me first society. We think everything reflects and revolves around us. We all have our rights (even when sometimes it doesn't agree with God's word and we have to explain to God why we have the "right" to act one way, or the "right" to feel another way). But the truth is, not everything is about us.
When Jesus friend Lazarus died, Jesus made the statement in John 11:4 "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it".
When we deal with a trial or a challenge, do we EVER think first thing... "Maybe this is to glorify God"? Probably not. We usually go through the "Why me?", "Where are you God", "God's not hearing my prayers", etc.
I have come to learn over the years that when I overcome some trial in my life, I always get to use that as a testimony later down the road and someone else going through the same thing gets to see that there is victory on the other side.
Maybe, just maybe, it is not always about us???
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen.
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