Dave Parrish
on August 20, 2024
The Weirdest Place in the World to have a Prayer Meeting. (A prophet repenting)
Jonah 2:2 "… I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice.
The Haystack prayer meeting launched the modern mission movement in America with students praying in a barn during a storm. But there is no stranger place to pray than in the belly of a whale. Jonah was thrown overboard; was swallowed by a whale and he began to pray: Wouldn't you? He cried out to God and repented of his running from God's command to go and preach to Nineveh.
It doesn't take much to pray when you get in trouble. Jonah though was in deep trouble. He had rebelled against God's call, and he did a lot of soul-searching. He said he would sacrifice to God in v. 9. God commanded the whale to spit him out. Obviously, the whale didn't have much of a taste for rebellious prophets. But Jonah got redirected toward Nineveh.
The story of Jonah shows us there is no place we cannot pray (even in school). It also shows God will hear us if we come to Him with a repentant heart. We need to get the gospel out and pray with people to receive Christ anywhere and everywhere. Don't think it strange, we can pray and be heard anywhere. God did it with Jonah, and He can do it with you.
--- Dan Nelson
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