Quint Burks
on November 25, 2020
Our moms always tried to tell us this as kids, but most of the time we didn't listen. But, Oh how right she was about the importance of choosing our friends. It is so important who we "hang out" with. There are those that encourage us, fulfill us, bring out the better in us, challenge us, make us stronger and make us better.
Then there are those that drain us, discourage us, bring negative into our lives, make us weak, make us tired, keep us in chaos.
Now which of those two groups better our lives? Which of those two groups put us in a better position to succeed? Which of those two groups are going to be in the fight with us and which would be the first to disappear?
Choose to hang with those in the first group AND choose to be a friend like those in the first group. Divine connections work both ways.
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen.
Dimension: 526 x 526
File Size: 124.35 Kb
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