Bill Blust Jr
on November 24, 2020
Meet Monroe. He's a mutt I rescued 11.5 years ago from our local humane society. He turned 12 this month. He and I have taken many rides in the truck together and many walks through the woods. What a great friend he has been.
He plays the oddest game of fetch. I throw his toy, he runs after it, grabs it, then makes me run after him to get it. Crazy dog!
The end of July Monroe was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He isn't showing any pain yet and I dread the day he does. He has to pee more often and he has had a few accidents. When he does have an accident he looks at me with those big eyes and you can see that he is filled with remorse. I just pet him and tell him it's ok buddy with a tremble in my voice.
As I said, he is not showing any pain. He still has an appetite, his ears perk up, and he wags his tail. But, I know his time left on earth is drawing near.
I'm 60 years old and have had my fair share of things happen in my life that made me be a bit rough around the edges. But, when it comes to my dogs, my buddies, my friends, I'm not the tough guy when it's their time. All day today I have shead tears knowing that my buddy will leave me. And it will be me that makes that decision to take him to the vet for his last nap. Yes, yes, it's the humane thing to do. Lord knows I've done it enough. But it's never easy.
Thankfully this pastJanuary I was able to retire early from the steel mill I worked at. This has allowed me to spend more time with Monroe.
Sorry to burden all you strangers about my dog. Sometimes it just feels better if I can get it off my chest. Thanks for reading. Say a little pray for Monroe if you would be so kind.
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