on November 24, 2020
Announcing Wimkin's First Annual Warmth Drive! It's fast becoming that time of year were the homeless and children suffer. Wimkin has hundreds of thousands of users all over the world and we're looking for volunteers in every major city approaching Winter to collect and then distribute coats, blankets, and all helpful items. If interested, please email Jsheppard@dreamteamwebdesign.com for more details. Let's better the world together! ?????
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Ryan Hall
can i please somehow stop seeing this in my newsfeed? seriously? I AM THE ONE WHO NEEDS A COAT and i have none to give 1f614.png and i need to see other posts in my feed besides this SAD REMINDER that i HAVE NO COAT for winter 1f614.png not even a sweater that fits.....
November 25, 2020
Steven White
Steven White replied - 1 reply
Daniel Mac Alvanah
What a great idea! If I was POTUS, I would back up many ideas like this one that promote positive actions for the betterment of all Americans. One idea I have long pondered is giving homless Americans farm lannd to grow hemp. You can kill 4+ birds with one stone. 1. Homeless sitiuation 2. Stop ... View More
November 25, 2020 Edited
Kenneth Kendrick
Kenneth Kendrick replied - 1 reply
Bobby couch
I have two KGB military coats of mine i could send him one but they are both large.i don't think they will fit him.
November 26, 2020