Quint Burks
on November 24, 2020
We tend to think we have to make a big splash to make a difference. That there has to be some kind of grand gesture to really make an impact. But to the one person that we are able to bless, the one individual that we are able to touch, the one family that we are able to "give a hand" to, a simple thing to us could be the most important thing in their lives.
We may not can meet the need of a whole nation, a whole state, a whole city, but we might be that biggest blessing that walked into one persons life. Now what if each of us took that same attitude? To be a blessing to one person or one family? To just meet one need? My small impact, added to your small impact, added to someone else's small impact, adds up to a big impact.
If you have been blessed, don't miss the opportunity to be a blessing. Not everyone in need is looking for a "hand out", many are looking for a "hand up". Think about this..."Today could be that day that YOU get to change someone's life for the better!"
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen.
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