WW Kasbey
on November 23, 2020
"THE GREAT RESET"... Fact or fiction? A quick search of World Economic Forum "The Great reset will provide every fact you need to "know" this is not fictional. Klaus Schwab tells it all. This has been a plan for years. As is pointed out by the Forum is that they required a global collapse in the economy, a massive unemployment and bankruptcy world wide.
In 2009 under adversarial "outside pressure" caused a change in the definition of
"PANDEMIC". They removed deaths from the definition. Why would they do that?
Abstract - There has been considerable controversy over the past year, particularly in Europe, over whether the World Health Organization (WHO) changed its definition of pandemic influenza in 2009, after novel H1N1 influenza was identified. Some have argued that not only was the definition changed, but that it was done to pave the way for declaring a pandemic. [ENTER COVID]
What was removed - A search of online web archives reveals that the WHO website had the erased definition dating back to at least January 2003 through to July 2008. [1]. What was removed was any reference to deaths.
"An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears
against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several,
simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and
illness. ...
This change along with a newly derived meaning of pandemic paved the way for the "Great Reset. Klaus Schwab goes on in an interview to tell us what a mess our economy was in??? Isn't the same people wanting the reset the very same as those who Schwab says created a massive mess in the past?
So what is this great reset truly about... [ENTER AGENDA 2021/30] For any who have taken the time to read this you can understand (not conspiracy) but the correlation here. The Agenda lays out what appear to be this utopian world where everyone will be just sooo sooo happy. LMAO. It talks about a Green Economy where everything is protected while we today, dump billions of liters of raw sewage into our oceans... It talks about no one anywhere experiencing poverty [ENETER BASIC GUARANTEED INCOME]; it talks about Global Vaccines being available to everyone [ENTER GVAP - Guaranteed Vaccination Action Plan] and who is the greatest contributor of 930 million - of course it is Bill & Melinda Gates... who are also the major contributors to GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccine & Immunization.
Anyone starting to see the connections?
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