Marlene Blackwinter
on November 23, 2020
Speaking as an Author, one of my most grave 'allergies' is to Handwavium and Tropetanium.
As example, is most sci-fi, it's enough that such-and-such works...who cares about 'how', even if it's a grotesque violation of physics and engineering.
EG; The gun Deckard has in Blade Runner, like most folks, I Love It...and quite some time ago started working out HOW to make the damned thing WORK, plausibly, based off it's appearance.
I did it, then I had hubby look things over and he checked and re-checked my engineering and logic and such, and had a very skilled long-time gunsmith friend of his also check my work and they were both pretty stunned.
They were fall-out-of-their-socks mind-blown when they read my notes and development of the ammo works as well.
NOT your standard one-shot cartridges....just saying.
I sought to Evolve Firearms and ammunition as they haven't really change much at all in the past 120 years. I will be publishing the details on them in the near future, right now, end of the day and I am exhausted after a full day of writing.
But I think my fellow firearm aficianados will like what they see.
And YES there's a reason for the two triggers on MY weapon designs...just to say.
The nitty and gritty of gun and ammo is covered in the conversation two characters of mine have in an upcoming work as well as an 'encyclopedia' for the reader at the tail-end of the book after the conclusion of the story.
My Point...
That is how far I go to stay away from Handwavium and Tropetanium.
I DO THE WORK, because I respect the intelligence of my readers and wish to satisfy their curiosity as well as giving enough 'solidity' to things so they can get a really good grasp on the story and people and things.
...and laser weapons in my Realms, well a character getting clipped by one is subject to the extraordinarily nasty reality of how physics works regarding such. NO mere surface burns, and that nonsense. A person getting hit even by a relatively 'low' powered weapon-grade laser is in very grave trouble.
Thank-you for reading.
Dimension: 334 x 312
File Size: 27.45 Kb
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