Mybad Alltime
on November 21, 2020
How long will it take? How much longer?
Until those reading this Facebook page in Braille, see and acknowledge and respond to what is going on in our country ???... What will it take friends? While America has been LED down a path of finding the Kardashians so important... And necessary,,, they kept you busy taking your kids to soccer practice on Saturdays... And drinking mocha lattes......they took God out of schools and many other things were put in that you do not even know about......... Some like laughable phrase "time out",, they started ripping down the statues of our past to make us and our children's children's children forget rebellion..... "COMPLY AND OBEY DO NOT RESIST YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER !!!!!"
There are forces at work so powerful ,,so sinister,, so evil ,,,that words cannot even begin the descriptive......... They manipulate us to fight in among ourselves,,, over a party affiliation and men like JB and DT,,, based solely on what we have seen on the national news media.... Whose view and slant is so biased that only those who will not see it cannot see it.
Media has itself been taken over by forces not friendly to the United States.....
And we have changed our lifestyles based on the NEW regulations and "the virus".... But why just THIS virus??????
Riddle me that ,,why not the SARS virus ,,,why not the H1N1 ,,,virus why not the AIDS virus???Why is there not a ban on cigarette smoking which kills hundreds of thousands of people a year?(corporate tobacco),WHY DID WE NOT SHUT THE ECONOMY DOWN EVERY YEAR DURING FLU SEASON ????????
Why is it all of a sudden now that THIS VIRUS is the ONE that means sudden death and horrible illness ,,,and you've got to stay indoors and don't go to work ,,and don't see your relatives......... And if you do not comply with safety instructions we may arrest incarcerate you,,,,,,,, HOWEVER... if you are burning looting and robbing businesses and homes,,,, destroying police cars ,,,you may go on your way and do whatever it is you can check the scenario out in the. C omm u nist M anfest o / on : how to take over a country......
First,,, panic the population(world ) with a health concern.... And then,,, implement restrictions on activity ,,, in the name of Public safety,,,that will get people used to compliance and obeying...keep up fear mongering in the media........... I could go on and on as most of you know that I do..... But I'm not going to have to...... Unless things change over the next three weeks........ But still even if they do change to the other party if you like,,, we are still going to have a fight but it cannot be amongst ourselves people it cannot be amongst ourselves.... It is against the forces that would do harm and bring down this country this democracy,, this republic,,,,, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.....
It is not YOU, the reader necessarily, that will be shackled and burdened with the n ew w orld or der,,,,,,,,,,, it will be your children and grandchildren......imho,,,,,
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