Dave Parrish
on June 23, 2024
“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours,
be done.”
--- Luke 22:41
Was Jesus trying to get out of his mission? It is never wrong to express our true feelings
to God. Jesus exposed his dread of the coming trials, but he also reaffirmed his
commitment to do what God wanted. The cup he spoke of meant the terrible agony he
knew he would endure---not only the horror of the crucifixion but, even worse, the total
separation from God that he would have to experience in order to die for the world’s
--- Life Application Study Bible notes
Take this cup from me. Drinking cups were often mentioned in the Bible as symbols of
God’s wrath or judgment. For Jesus to figuratively drink from such a cup meant suffering
God’s punishment on behalf of sinful people (22:42). This is what he willingly did when
he died on the cross.
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Tom Myracle
June 23, 2024