on November 20, 2020
WOW ---you mean the vaccine is not needed because the SO called boogey Man Virus is about to go away ALL BY ITSELF !!!!!!! Some body read and comprehend Somebody look ----WHOOAaAaAAAAA you mean all these Silly Billy Propaganda and signaling to the other elites and governing bodies they bought off is all for naught!!!!! OoooOo silly billy got his hands caught in another scandal!!!!
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No profit in a vaccine that dies off by itself
November 20, 2020
Captain Kirk
Even funnier is the fact that Pfizer's vaccine needs to be kept at -70 degrees, much colder than any other vaccine previously. Almost no facilities nor trucks have freezers which go that low. So they will have 50 million doses by the end of the year but no way to distribute them. ?
November 21, 2020 Edited