on June 16, 2024
This is EXACTLY why Trump did NOT want, RIGHTFULLY, non citizens counted in OUR census‼️ Funding and representation should be for ONLY American citizens NOT anyone else.
A citizen journalist, Yehuda Miller, has obtained a BOMBSHELL internal memo from the Michigan Attorney General's office plotting how they would count illegals in the 2020 census to gain Congressional seats and $3 billion in federal funding
"Excluding 100,000 [undocumented residents] from the 2020 Census would reduce the state's population in determining the allocation of Congressional seats."
"In addition, the loss of an estimated 100,000 people in Michigan's 2020 Census count would cost the state approximately $3 billion in federal funding over the next ten years."
The memo also included talking points to deflect & coverup the whole thing from the people
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