God’s Purpose is revealed through Christ’s Life and Work
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
--- I Timothy 2:4-6
The desire of God for everyone is seen in these verses. It cannot be any clearer:
-God wants all to Understand His Salvation in Christ:
An understanding of what salvation is all about is probably what is attacked the most today and misunderstood today. We need to realize we are lost sinners and helpless without God’s grace given to us in Christ.
-There is no other way to be saved.
Nothing anyone else can do for us will save us. No human intermediary can provide what Jesus did. We must be directed to Him through the Holy Spirit and the gospel. All human effort, individuals, and philosophy of life will not save us. Even confession, penance, and being a religious person will not save us. Only Jesus can do that.
-God saves us based on what Christ did for Us.
We can't be saved any other way because our good deeds and trying to save ourselves will come up short. We are sinners and must pay the price for sin through death, judgment, and Hell. Yet Jesus did what we never will be able to do. When He was crucified, He paid the penalty for sin we all owe and through His ransom in our place. We can be saved through faith and trust in Him for salvation. He confirmed this payment by His resurrection from the grave, lives forevermore in heaven, will save us and take us to heaven when we die if we will come to Him and trust Him as Saviour from sin’s penalty.
You pay for your sin or you accept His payment. This message is the core of what Paul told Timothy about God’s purpose and plan for our salvation. Spurn it to your own doom, accept it, and trust in Jesus to guide you in your life and you fulfill God’s purpose for your life.
--- Dan Nelson
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